Once You Buy That Home For Sale: Keep Safe During The Move In Process!

6 September 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog


When you are shopping for local homes for sale, you will be focused on finding that one home that you find that feels right and fits the necessities and desires of your family. You'll make an offer and if accepted, go through the escrow process. During escrow, there isn't much you can do about the new house but wait; this is the time where you want to get all packed up at your current house and be ready to move after escrow has closed. Once you are through escrow and it's time to begin the actual moving process, you need to be careful you don't fall victim to criminals looking to steal from unsuspecting people who have a lot on their minds, and in their schedules. Here are tips for keeping all your things safe during your move:

Keep your blinds up until you are completely vacated from the house

You'll want to put up blinds first thing at the new place to keep it protected as well, but not the blinds from the place you are moving out of. Those blinds should stay up as long as you have items in the house. This way, people can't see right into the house to know that you aren't there and your stuff still is. Until you get your blinds over to the new place, you can use blankets to cover the windows at the new place.

Leave your security system intact and armed until you have vacated

Don't be too anxious when it comes to removing that security system. It's best if you leave it in tact and in place so you can arm it while you will still be leaving any of your belongings in the house. Once you have moved completely over to your new home and are ready to vacate for good, then the alarm can be removed. Otherwise, you won't have it in place if someone breaks in to steal the stuff you still have in the house during the moving process.

Don't store anything more in your garage

Chances are that you already have some things already stored in your garage if you are like most households. It may seem like a good idea to pack boxes and move them into the garage as they are taped up so they are in one location where you can then open the garage door and load the truck easier. However, this is actually a bad idea because garages tend to be an easier target for burglars. If a burglar considers your garage, you don't want them to peek in and see everything you own all ready to be loaded up and taken away.