Tips For Buying A Vacation Home To Use As A Short-Term Vacation Rental

13 October 2019
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog


Many people want to own a vacation home, but they do not want to financially shoulder all of the expenses that come with a second home. One way that people are able to invest in a vacation home and also offset the cost is by offering it as a vacation rental when the owners are not using it. A successful vacation rental that is regularly booked by renters throughout the year can generate enough income to help cover the cost of the mortgage, utilities, and maintenance. If you're interested in purchasing a vacation home that you can enjoy with your family and also rent out to bring in income, use the following tips.

Determine Your Budget

Before you begin looking at vacation homes for sale, it is extremely important to examine your finances and determine how much you can afford to spend on purchasing a vacation home. While offering a vacation home as a rental will most likely generate income, you can't count on that money since you can't guarantee that you will book a specific number of rental nights each year. Thus, it is essential to buy a property that you can comfortably afford, even if you don't rent it out as much as you would like for a month or two.

Choose the Location Carefully

When it comes to buying a vacation home, you should select a property in a location that you and your family love and enjoy. But, if you want it to be a successful vacation rental, you should be looking at vacation homes for sale in areas that have a lot of tourists and visitors. A secluded cabin in the woods away from civilization may be a great second home, but if you want to rent out your vacation home on a regular basis, your best bet is to invest in a property that is located in a year-round tourist destination.

Understand the Real Estate Market

Prior to buying a vacation home that you plan to use as a short-term vacation rental, you need to understand the local real estate market in the area where you're planning to buy a property. One of the best things that you can do is find a very experienced real estate agent to assist you, ideally one who works with many people who have purchased vacation homes and then rent them out. Your real estate agent will be a huge resource who can help ensure that you purchase the best vacation home possible.